Junio 01, 2020 #Business & Exports #Life & Culture

Six Chilean seafood products that are beneficial for your health

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Thanks to our over 6000 kilometers of coastline, Chile holds a privileged position within the aquaculture industry. Currently, shellfish and seaweed products are eaten by millions of people all around the globe, thereby promoting healthy eating. Would you like to know more about our leading products and their benefits? The following are six of our most internationally popular products so you can learn more about them and maybe give them a try!

Salmon fillets
Chile is famous around the world for its salmon and it is one of our most iconic products abroad. We are the second largest exporter in the world and one out of every six salmons sold internationally comes from our country. This fish is considered an excellent source of high-quality protein, vitamins, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids. This is why its regular consumption is recommended as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Southern hake
Found in the cold waters of the southern Pacific Ocean near Chile, this fish is known for its white flesh, mild flavor and firm texture. Chilean industrial fishing of southern hake adheres to sustainable fishing standards and complies with international best practices for fishing. It recently received Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification, the most stringent standard in the world for sustainable and responsible fishing.

Trout fillets
Trout is part of the salmon family. Exports of this fish have increased in recent years, primarily in frozen form. It is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids.

Canned Chilean mussels
The Chilean mussel is found only in the southern part of our country. It has multiple nutritious properties, is high in protein, and rich in omega-3 fatty acids, B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, potassium, folic acid, iron, phosphorus, manganese, selenium and zinc. It is a major source of vitamin B12.

Seaweed and its industrial use
Chile is currently the third largest exporter of seaweed products in the world, accounting for 19% of the international trade in this category. Over the last few years, exports have increased because this product has such a wide variety of uses. The high level of demand is due not only to its use in the food industry, but also in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.

Sea urchins
Some studies have shown that urchins are able to change the elasticity of collagen within their bodies, which could be the key to maintaining a youthful appearance. This characteristic has made it an in-demand export, primarily to Asian markets. In 2019, sea urchins to the value of US$89.7 million were exported around the globe.


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