Social Entrepreneur

Daniela Retamales holds a degree in Civil Industrial Engineering from the Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (UCV). She is the co-founder of Prótesis 3D and is internationally renowned as a social entrepreneur and leader of organizations like the International Youth Foundation.

Fundación Prótesis 3D is a non-profit organization that seeks to improve the quality of life and inclusion of people with disabilities, through the provision of functional, personalized prosthetic devices made on 3D printers. The devices are provided along with a rehabilitation and monitoring process.

The products are made by detained persons and National Youth Service (SENAME) beneficiaries, as part of an effort to provide them with job skills and facilitate social reinsertion. The foundation also conducts research and development on new models, integrating technologies like neuro-sensors into prosthetic devices.

The foundation halted the production and distribution of prosthetic devices in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and has invested its resources in the production of face protectors for medical staff.

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